Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I don't buy into conspiracies. They often require a suspension of disbelief that is of vast proportions. The more elaborate, the less believable. I hear you. You are saying that some things are so unbelievable they can't be made up. Yo, I read sci-fi and high fantasy. Writing about the unbelievable is really not hard with the right imagination.

The reason most conspiracies (conspiracy theories if you will) fail in my book is because they require organization, cooperation, money, time and luck of a sort that is far from realistic. Either the figures in the conspiracy are reported to know and work well together when in reality they have never shown even the slightest inclination of liking, let alone, work with each other; they require a level of intelligence and cooperation in a lot of people that is simply NOT probable; or, they require amounts of money and time that would be mind boggling to even some of the richest one percentors. That and motive never seems to figure in. Why do the alleged people behind the conspiracies hate so and so, or the American people, or animals, or countries, so much?

I know there are big, deep pocketed individuals out there who are definitely doing all they can to manipulate the system in their favor. Absolutely. But a comic book style evil genius? A Dr. Moriarty or Lex Luther for the modern age if you will? Uh, no.

Now there is one Conspiracy Theory out there I will comment on. After doing the research, it does indeed appear that the Pentagon was shot with a missile and not hit with a plane. I do agree with that. But I think the true reasons for the "official" story are more simple, sad and embarrassing rather then manipulative, evil or self serving. I believe the Pentagon has defenses of its own. Makes sense don't you think? Remember that a shoot first order had already been issued by the time that particular plane flew into the Washington DC area. I believe the government shot the plane down over the ocean and then (before, during or after) accidentally shot itself.

No government wants to telling grieving families they had to shoot their loved ones down in a plane for national security. I think the accidental shooting of the Pentagon simply gave them an out.

Cover ups are nothing new. We start learning to cover up when we are barely out of diapers. Conspiracies are simply extravagant cover ups of cover ups. It is better to look smarter and even a little evil than stupid and careless, no?